Save the date: STRETCH 2019

STRETCH in Turku, Finland
17th to 20th of October 2019

STRETCH 2019, Dance Encounter in Turku (Finland) is held from the 17th to 20th of October 2019, and it focuses on expanding professionalism. The themes are discussed in seminars, lectures, panels and workshops. The program includes performances, morning classes, field trips and social gatherings with opportunities for networking and peer support.

The dance community from all Nordic countries and beyond come together to discuss, share best practices, give new ideas and network in a three day meeting. 

STRETCH focuses on three thematic areas of development.

1) Personal development and new skills
2) New ways of organising productions
3) Interaction with the community and better communication about dance

Through these main themes STRETCH focuses on widening and expanding the workfield, discourses cultural policies and aims to create new collaborations with local, Nordic and international networks.

The encounter is built on the experience and community that was built during the keðja encounters from 2008 to 2015. STRETCH expands the idea and themes of keðja by stretching skills, the workfield and its structures. The Nordic dance community expands its professional networks by inviting colleague organisations and professionals from Baltic and European countries to participate.

Contact and additional information:

Ada Vakker

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