Save the date: Keđja presents STRETCH 20–22 Aug 2020

We create art to open opportunities for a dialogue with the world.
How can we keep expanding that conversation?

The theme of the Encounter is Expanding the movement and it addresses the relationship between art and society, participation, community art, dramaturgy, communication, international work, film as a tool, touring and audiences.

Professionals from all over the dance field will gather in Gothenburg, Sweden, for talks, discussions, workshops, morning classes, performances and to network with colleagues.

The registration was planned to open in March, but is postponed. The reason behind is the current outbreak of coronavirus disease. We will keep you updated as soon as we have more information.

Welcome to Gothenburg and the Region of Västra Götaland!

Contact and subscribe to the Stretch newsletter
Eyrun Thorhallsdottir, Regional Dance Advisor and Project Leader for Stretch 2020 in Gothenburg

Organised by Kultur i Väst (Cultural Development Administration Region Västra Götaland from 1 January 2020) in collaboration with Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival, the City of Gothenburg, The Museum of World Culture and NorrlandsOperan. With the support of Nordic Culture Fund, Nordic Culture Point and Region Västra Götaland.

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