Keynotes and discussions

Expanding professionalism
Opening keynote and panel discussion, Thursday 17th

The opening keynote will address the main theme of expanding professionalism and professional identities. Discussing the development of dance professions is necessary within the field, and more generally in relation to changes in the world of work. The panel discussion that follows will challenge the different perspectives of expanding professionalism. What does multiprofessionalism mean in practice? How should we start thinking differently about our skill sets? What is value and what is added value? It’s time to start seeing artists as experts; it’s time to unravel the myth of the independent and free artist and deconstruct the dichotomy between the mythical and the instrumental value of art.

Keynote: Kai Lehikoinen (FI), Director of CERADA Research Centre at the University of Arts, Helsinki & Vice-Director of ArtsEqual Research Initiative

Moderator: Hanna-Reetta Schreck (FI), author and researcher
Inta Balode (LV), dance politician; a dance writer, curator, dramaturge, performer, lecturer and runs the Journal and the Latvian Dance Information Centre
Maria Mebius-Schröder (SE), dance artist and process manager at TILLT
Hanna Poikonen (FI), PhD in neuroscience of movement, dance and music, developer of the WiseMotion method.
Satu Tuittila (FI), dance artist, futures researcher and working life lecturer at University of the Arts, Helsinki
and Kai Lehikoinen


System Change? D.I.T. (Do It Together)
Keynote and panel discussion, Friday 18th

This talk will focus on the paradigm shift toward collectivity and communality in the art field and its operating models and working practices. Why do we need to collaborate more, how to strengthen a culture of collaboration, which are the threats or obstacles and how to overcome them? How to work better together and achieve a more healthy and sustainable work environment in the arts.

The keynote System Change? D.I.T. (Do It Together) will be given by Nikol Wellens from Flanders Arts Institute sharing insights from research on the position of the artist in today’s art world and the collective development of fair practices. The following panel discussion will introduce practitioners from the field, who work with collective and collaboration-based practices and environments.

Keynote: Nikol Wellens (BE), practice researcher and developer at Flanders Arts Institute
Moderator: Lene Bang Henningsen (DK), creative producer, agent, international relations manager, senior adviser 
Emilia Gasorek & Stine Frandsen (DK), dance artists and members of Danseatelier
Sara Lönnroth (SE), director of Transit Kulturinkubator
Greta Grineviciute (LT), dance artist and member of art and science laboratory Meno ir Mokslo laboratorija
and Nikol Wellens


What is the point of it all?
Working internationally in the age of ecological crisis, part 1
Keynote and panel discussion, Saturday 19th

We are in the midst of an ecological crisis that impacts the art field as well as the society at large. Restraining climate change will require significant changes in consumption habits, travel and production, to name a few. Dance is an international art form, so what does working internationally mean in times of climate change? Artists can act as drivers for transition and be at the forefront in tackling these most pressing issues, so how should we prepare for a more sustainable future and which are the first steps to be taken?

A keynote and panel discussion will address these questions, among others, from different perspectives. After the discussion we will go from words to actions and develop concrete proposals for measures to be taken by the dance community.

Keynote via video conference: Ben Twist (UK), director, Creative Carbon Scotland

Moderator: Ása Richardsdottír (IS/BE), Secretary General, IETM
Speakers include:
Sari Palmgren (FI), dance artist
Anna Talasniemi (FI), director, Kone Foundation
Antti Majava (FI), artist and researcher, BIOS research unit
Nina Refsnes (NO), senior advisor (mobility), Nordic Culture Point
Rosa Meriläinen (FI), general secretary, KULTA Central Organization for Finnish Culture and Arts Associations

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