The full programme and schedule of Stretch Turku is now released – hooray!
Download your own copy and schedule here.
What does working in the dance field look like nowadays? How is it changing and how can we develop the working culture in a more sustainable direction? What role does dance play in the society? Inspiring discussions and encounters, morning classes and new perspectives on working in the dance field – Stretch is an international dance encounter for all dance professionals, from artists and dancers to producers, managers and pedagogues.
Sign-ups and ticket sales will open already on 5th of September so stay tuned for further instructions!
The very last call for registrations!
In order to take part in the programme, you need to be registered.
REGISTER HERE by 2nd of September.
The Stretch Turku dates are 17th to 20th of October 2019 – be sure to arrive already the 16th!