Choreographers: Elina Gaitjukevica, Agnese Bordjukova
Co – authors: Edgars Slakota, Valentins Nagibins, Laima Jansone
Performers: Elina Gaitjukevica, Agnese Bordjukova, Edgars Slakota
Composer and performer: Laima Jansone
Video designer: Raitis Ābele

Production management: Zane Estere Gruntmane
Producer: Anatomy of Dance, PIGEON-BRIDGE

Financial support: Latvian Culture Capital foundation, Riga City Council Department of Education, Culture and Sport.
Partners: RISEBA University, “Tritone” Studio, cafe “Tvaiks”, Gutenberga druka, AS Antalis

Duration: 75 min
Contact person: Elina Gaitjukevica

ANATOMY OF DANCE is contemporary dance project created in 2007 (Riga, Latvia) as independent and open stage for dance performers and choreographers. The main focus for the participants is the research in movement and choreography connected with other art forms. The main challenge the company initially defined was, not only to bring fresh air in the art environment in Latvia, but also to develop and to expand access to contemporary dance  there. Also:  open and independent stage, movement synthesis with everything else. Investigation of dance. Still in progress and process.
The last work of Dance Anatomy was dance show “3/4 of water” which is nominated for the “Spelmanu nakts” prize as the best music author, which is Laima Jansone.

PIGEON-BRIDGE is production and co-production company. The main goals are to organize, produce and co-produce different local and international contemporary performing art projects, that will develop collaboration and network between Latvian and international artists; to develop cultural life in Latvia and provide it with new forms of contemporary art projects. The main values of “PIGEON-BRIDGE” are: TRUST, TEAM, MEANING  More info: @PIGEON-BRIDGE (facebook/twitter)

Producers:                                                   Financial support:

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