Herrala, Muilu, Mustonen, Tiitta (FI): NATURE DANCES

Work-in-progress at keðjaMariehamn

Thursday 7th at 21:15 (1 hr 30 mins)
Alandica / Auditorium
Tickets: 8 €

World premiere 20th August 2014 in Helsinki at Pannuhalli Cable Factory within the programme of Zodiak – Center for New Dance and Helsinki Festival




Herrala, Muilu, Mustonen and Tiitta are independent artists working in the field of dance and performance. They have worked in various roles in artistic productions e.g. as choreographers, performers, designers and curators and collaborated with many different groups in Finland and abroad. Nature Dances is the first project they create together in this constellation.
Choreography and dance:
Satu Herrala, Eeva Muilu, Anna Mustonen, Masi Tiitta
Production: Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Wilderness Dance, Helsinki Festival

Nature Dances is a stage piece by and with Satu Herrala, Eeva Muilu, Anna Mustonen and Masi Tiitta. The focus of the collaboration is on four artists sharing a process together and on the nature of dance. The relationship between the dancer’s body and movement to nature and the natural has altered through dance history. The choreographer-performers wish to take part in this continuum and dance the nature of 2014. Nature dances will emerge in the spring, blossom during the performances in August until it will wither and be buried in the archives of the internet.

Supported by: Arts Promotion Center Finland – National Council for Circus and Dance

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