The next Keđja presents STRETCH is in the making! Registration will open soon, and we are thrilled to give you a peek into the programme:
Jo Parkes
Jo Parkes is a dance artist and dance educator (Germany/UK). She creates participative projects: installations, performances in public space, events and videos. She is founder and artistic director of Mobile Dance, an organisation which works with socially engaged, co-creative, participative dance. Jo is a keynote speaker and will lead a workshop on participation and community dance during Stretch 2020. More about Jo Parkes…
Niels Righolt
Niels Righolt has a broad background and experience from more than 25 years in the arts field. He is director of the Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture CKI and has worked within a variety of cultural institutions over the years. At present Niels is a board member of the Danish contemporary dance scene Dansehallerne in Copenhagen and the Audience Europe Network. Niels is a keynote speaker and will talk about cultural policies and audiences at Stretch 2020. More about Niels Righolt…
Listening Party
25 youths will join choreographer Ásrún Magnúsdóttir and create Listening party. Listening Party is a party on stage, the hosts are a big group of teenagers, aged 13-17 years old. They play their favourite music. Sometimes they sing along or dance along or cry along or whatever. They talk about their music and about themselves, ideas, worries, thoughts and dreams. They hang out, listen to music together and listen to each other with their audience. They support each other, celebrate each other and their teenage years. The stage is theirs, the words are theirs, they have the power – even though it’s just during the show – it’s their party and they do whatever they want. More about Ásrún Magnúsdóttir…
Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival takes place from 21st to 29 August – so you can enjoy lots of performances parallel with the Stretch Encounter. More about the festival…
Travel to Gothenburg – in the heart of Scandinavia, on the West Coast of Sweden. It’s easy to travel there in an environmental friendly way – by railway, bus or sea. More about travelling to Gothenburg…
When planning your trip to Gothenburg, we strongly recommend arriving in Gothenburg on Wednesday 19th and departing on Sunday 23rd. Thursday 20th of August through Saturday 22nd will be full programme days.