About Wilderness

Anatomy of Dance in Hammerfest










VIEW the Wilderness BLOG:  http://kedjawilderness.tumblr.com

Our most recent film about the Wilderness residencies 2013-2014 from keðja – dance activities on Vimeo.


A film from Spring 2013 about the first Wilderness activities By Thomas Freundlich From keðja on Vimeo.

March 2013  PUBLICATION: The artist group Foreign Mountain created a beautiful magazine (12 MB pdf) about their visit to Egilsstaðir, Iceland.

About keðja Wilderness
Wilderness were unique residency opportunities for contemporary dance artists groups. The residencies took place in 10 communities on the edge of the Nordic-Baltic region offering artists a platform to explore, engage, create and present work in close proximity to wild nature and local residents.

The Wilderness activities took place between January 2013 and January 2015. Wilderness was one of the largest programmes in the Nordic-Baltic region which has contribution to regional development through artistic creation, as a main aim. Deadline for applications was August 15th 2012.  

The Wilderness Manifesto

  • The vast Nordic/Baltic region is a unique source for artistic inspiration.
  • Wilderness brings areas on the edge into the limelight as partakers in a strong contemporary dance project.
  • Wilderness contributes to the public debate about the future of Nordic peripheral communities.

Wilderness believes

  • In the power of the ARTS as an instigator for regional development
  • That ART is indispensable for the quality of life in all communities.

Wilderness offered to 10 dance artist groups

  • Two 21-day residencies in 2 different communities in 2 of the Wilderness countries – in total 42 days.
  • An opportunity to engage with and be inspired by various local resources, events, circumstances and last but not least – its people.

During the 1st residency artistic group were asked to give the local community an insight in to their artistic development during the period. At the end of the 2nd residency the artistic group gave a presentation of their artistic work.

The participating groups were required to have

  • A Nordic/Baltic identity. The group / majority of artists in the group either had to live and work in the Nordic-Baltic region or have a close professional relationship with it.
  • A genuine interest to engage with the local community.
  • An artistic idea with a clear focus on contemporary dance.
  • A wish to engage in different circumstances than those provided in the metropolitan areas.

The 10 artistic groups were selected by the Wilderness partners.

The Wilderness partners are from five Nordic and Baltic countries. They are committed to bringing contemporary dance to the “edge” and have a strong belief in the power of arts for regional development.

The Residencies
The residencies in the residency places started in January 2013 and ended in May 2014. The works developed in the residencies were presented at keðjaMariehamn August 2014 and since then several of them have been presented at Bora Bora Platform, Aarhus March 2015 and toured in the Nordic-Baltic countries as well as in Europe.

Contact for keðja Wilderness
Asa Richardsdóttir, asa@stage.is

Supported by

kedjalogostop kopi


The keðja Wilderness partners from Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Latvia:


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